BMW, Mercedes, urge German GP solution

Tue, 2 December 2008, 05:59

Dec.2 (GMM) The two German car manufacturers involved in F1, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, insist the country must be represented on the sport’s annual calendar

Currently, Germany hosts a single race per year, alternated between the loss-making Hockenheim and Nurburgring circuits

Cash-strapped Hockenheim, however, said this week it will only continue to host grands prix with unlikely state support

“Germany is an important market for BMW, where we have a big fan base,” a BMW spokesman told Duetsche Press-Agentur. “Formula one should not lose its traditional arenas

“A solution has to be found here,” he added

Canada and France recently dropped off the 2009 calendar, as the sport looks increasingly to Asia and the Middle East

Mercedes’ motor racing chief Norbert Haug said: “Of course we are interested that German formula one fans have at least one grand prix in Germany, especially as until recently they had two per season.”nnThere are five German drivers – a quarter of the grid – in formula one, while the Toyota team is based in Cologne

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