Branson hints team ownership next step

Sun, 29 March 2009, 03:30

Mar.29 (GMM) After watching his Virgin logos speed to one-two victory at Albert Park, Sir Richard Branson hinted his next step could be into the world of formula one team ownership

The British billionaire cut short a family skiing holiday this weekend to jet into Melbourne and announce a hastily-signed sponsorship deal with the new Brawn team

Branson, 58, hinted the announcement was just the first phase of his new interest in the sport, and he told the BBC on Sunday that he is likely to make the next step in the very near future

“At the moment we’re just sponsors. I mean, one day, Virgin might own a team and name it after itself. We’ll have talks,” he said

So fuelled has Branson’s interest in the sport been by the Australian grand prix success, he decided against attending his own ‘V Festival’ rock concert in Sydney on Saturday night

It is believed he also stayed in Melbourne on Sunday night – rather than fly to the Gold Coast for the next ‘V’ concert – to help Brawn celebrate its Virgin-branded victory

“They’ve certainly got me addicted so it’d be a good time to sit me down and have a word about upping my interest,” Branson smiled

“I’m sure if Brawn GP keep plying me with champagne and putting gorgeous Virgin girls either side of me, you never know. But on a serious note they deserve supporting.”n

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