Ecclestone still pushing ‘medals’ for 2009

Fri, 16 January 2009, 08:00

Jan.16 (GMM) Bernie Ecclestone has not given up hope that his ‘medals’-style scoring system proposal will be implemented in time for the 2009 season

The F1 chief executive wants wins rather than points to determine the drivers’ world champion from now on, but so far the teams and the FIA have only commissioned market research into the proposal rather than wholly embrace it

Ecclestone, 78, said at Ferrari’s ‘Wrooom’ media event at an Italian ski resort that his plan requires the agreement of all the teams

“It’s up to the teams to really push that through. I hope they have enough sense to agree,” he said

The Briton also confirmed his opposition to introducing expensive KERS systems in the midst of a financial crisis

“I’ve never been in favour of it so it is not good to get me involved in that discussion. We are trying to reduce the costs not increase them,” he said

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