Engine survived big Magnussen crash – report

Mon, 12 September 2016, 11:35

Sep.12 (GMM) Kevin Magnussen looks set to re-use the power unit that was aboard his Renault when he crashed heavily at Eau Rouge recently.

The car was destroyed and the Dane needed a trip to hospital after the violent accident, but Ekstra Bladet newspaper reports that the engine itself survived.

“We will probably use Kevin’s motor unit on Friday in Singapore and Sepang, as it seems that there was no serious damage in the accident,” technical boss Bob Bell said.

Bell added that, amid Renault’s struggles in 2016, the power unit itself has at least been a success story.

“One of the real success stories of this year is how strong the power unit has been,” he said. “And not only in relation to improved performance, but also reliability.”

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