Mar.27 (GMM) Leading lights of the FOTA team movement do not object to the concept of budget capping in formula one
Bernie Ecclestone and the FIA are championing a two-tiered system, where the bigger teams can keep spending according to the current regulations, while small teams adhere to a 33m (euro) cap but enjoy more technical freedom
Some analysts predict that the position is designed to put the big teams off the idea of unlimited spending, while the parties compromise on a more realistic budget limit
“We could imagine a budget cap, although the cap size has to be agreed between the teams and the FIA,” BMW’s Mario Theissen told F1’s official website
The German said he objects to the two-tiered concept, however
“We absolutely do not like … the thought of a ‘League A’ and a ‘League B’ in formula one,” said the Swiss based chief
“To split formula one in two different categories would definitely not help a manufacturer justify their engagement,” Theissen added
The topic is likely to get mileage in the forthcoming meetings of the FOTA body, which according to Ecclestone and the FIA’s Max Mosley may feature members who actually back the small-figure cap concept
“So far we have achieved unity between all the teams on all issues, but this would be a tricky one,” Theissen acknowledged. “But I am confident that we would come to a conclusion which would be feasible.”n