Heidfeld plays down BMW ‘problems’

Fri, 23 February 2007, 01:22

Nick Heidfeld has played down reports that BMW-Sauber is struggling for reliability ahead of the 2007 season.

“I would rather have a fast car that you have to make reliable than a slow car that you have to make fast,” the team’s German driver smiled to the Munich newspaper Tageszeitung (‘TZ’).

Technical director Willy Rampf, meanwhile, admitted that the F1.07, a standout of the pre-season test tracks especially in terms of long-run pace, has been beset by “problems”.

‘TZ’ said faulty transmission and hydraulics have been the biggest problems so far, with the Hinwil built single seater perhaps yet to amass a single 300km race distance without pulling in for repairs.


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