Mar.26 (GMM) The future of Hockenheim’s formula one race is to remain unresolved until the end of May, when a summit has been scheduled to take place in Stuttgart
German news sources report that F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone is slated to attend, as well as stakeholders including Mercedes and BMW, and German state prime minister Gunther Oettinger
A final decision about the loss-making event had been expected to be made earlier this week, but the circuit owners instead vowed to push for the Stuttgart meeting
Should the town of Hockenheim’s projected 6 million euro loss for the 2010 event not be covered, the organisers will not apply for a spot on the calendar
“We are examining all the options,” mayor Dieter Gummer said, “and the result remains completely open. But by the summer we need to know because the (2010) race would need to be planned.”nnAs Hockenheim currently alternates the German race annually with the Nurburgring, representatives of the Rhineland-Palatinate state will also attend the May 20 meeting