Apr.29 (GMM) With every passing race and success, the price of sponsoring the Brawn team rises, chief executive Nick Fry has admitted
It is reported that Sir Richard Branson wants to make an announcement about ramping up his Virgin brand’s exposure at the forthcoming Spanish grand prix
But it also emerges that the British billionaire is considering whether he wants to become the title or naming backer now that the cost has increased
“All the potential sponsors ring up on a Monday morning and say, ‘oh my god, the price has gone up again,'” Fry told London’s Times newspaper
“We’ve got between 20 and 25 companies talking to us either about sponsorship or some wanting to buy into the team. Ross and I need to come to the correct decision, not the quick decision,” he said
It is therefore clear that it is Branson, and not team chiefs Fry and Ross Brawn, who is pushing the Barcelona schedule
“We will talk again in Barcelona and let you know,” the Virgin founder told reporters last weekend in Bahrain
Fry acknowledged: “Richard has made an offer. The issue for us is whether or not it is the best offer we can get.”n