Sep.10 (GMM) A five-year contract for a formula one street race in the Italian capital was signed at Monza on Friday, Rome grand prix officials have announced.
Ahead of Italy’s existing race near Milan, they said that Rome would also feature on the calendar in 2012 or 2013, after the agreement was signed by Bernie Ecclestone and organiser Maurizio Flammini on Friday.
“Congratulations for the results he (Flammini) has delivered,” said Rome mayor Gianni Alemanno. “I hope Rome’s grand prix can start in 2012.”
The only obstacles are the objections of residents of Rome’s EUR district, and opponents who are fiercely protective of historic Monza remaining the only Italian F1 event.
Alemanno insisted: “The Monza race will remain — it won’t be destroyed by Rome’s.”