Stefan GP parent company’s credentials questioned

Thu, 4 March 2010, 10:01

Mar.4 (GMM) The credentials of Zoran Stefanovic’s Serbian engineering company AMCO have been called into question, according to the Cologne newspaper Express.

Before supporting Stefanovic’s formula one foray Stefan GP, Cologne based Toyota Motorsport was told AMCO was involved with space and military technology.

AMCO claimed it worked with Germany’s Federal Defence Force (Bundeswehr) on flight drones and contributed to the European Space Agency’s orbit launch rocket Ariane 5.

“After consulting with the system manufacturers of the drones KZO and LUNA we can confirm that in the Bundeswehr product there are no technologies of the Serbian company AMCO,” said a spokesman of the German defence department Bundesamtes fur Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung.

Moreover, the manufacturers Rheinmetall Defense Electronics and Schrick said they are not aware of AMCO as a manufacturer of military technology.

Stefan GP was not granted an entry to contest the 2010 world championship.

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