Tech boss gives thumbs up to 2017 cars

Fri, 12 August 2016, 09:35

Aug.12 (GMM) Force India’s technical boss has given a thumbs up to the new generation of F1 cars for 2017.

Teams are now hard at work on the new cars, featuring wider chassis, more downforce and significantly bigger tyres.

Asked if the cars will also look more ‘aggressive’, Force India’s Andy Green answered: “Definitely.

“They’ll remind you of the cars from the 80s and 90s. It’s a good step — I like these cars,” he told Germany’s Auto Motor und Sport.

Green also said the 2017 cars will be much faster than the current ones.

“Early in the season the increase in downforce will be 20 to 25 per cent, but by the end it will be even more — I’m guessing 30 to 35pc. It’s the biggest step I’ve ever experienced,” he said.

However, the bigger cars and tyres will mean more drag, which Green says will translate to a 20kph drop on the straights.

But he said the laptimes at a track like the Hungaroring will be slashed by 3 to 4 seconds, as cornering speeds and braking distances become more impressive.

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