Feb.12 (GMM) USF1, a prospective American formula one team, has looked into setting up a European base in Spain, the Spanish newspaper Diario Sport reports
While the cars are set to be designed and built in the heart of NASCAR country in Charlotte, North Carolina, it has been rumoured that USF1 will need a European base for testing as well as the calendar’s stretch of European races
Diario Sport said USF1 has identified one possible base as that belonging to the Spanish Le Mans team Epsilon Euskadi, located at Azkoitia in the north of Spain and featuring a wind tunnel compliant with new FIA rules
Epsilon Euskadi is headed by the former F1 stalwarts Joan Villadelprat and Sergio Rinland
“It’s all true,” Villadelprat said, “but right now there is nothing definite, only conversations
“First we have to see what happens with the (USF1) team.”nnSpaniard Villadelprat, who during his F1 career worked for Benetton, Ferrari, McLaren, Tyrrell, Benetton and Prost, said he has known USF1 principal Ken Anderson for “many years”
“It was he who contacted me,” Villadelprat admitted
“They thought they must have a base in Europe and they considered that Spain, where teams test for most of the winter, would be the ideal place.”n