USF1 not interested in Honda team bailout

Tue, 17 February 2009, 10:00

Feb.17 (GMM) USF1, the prospective American formula one team targeting a 2010 debut, prefers setting up a brand new entrant than rescuing the embattled Honda outfit

That is the admission of Ken Anderson, one of the principal USF1 figures working on establishing a Charlotte (North Carolina) base with a secondary European season headquarters in northern Spain

It has been suggested, however, that with Honda on the market for a token fee and with state-of-the-art facilities at Brackley (UK), USF1 might be wiser to step up as the outfit’s saviour

But Anderson told the Swiss publication Motorsport Aktuell that there is more to the Honda situation than that

“In the same way you could go and buy GM, because those shares are cheap,” he said, referring to the embattled American carmaker that is said to be facing bankruptcy

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