F1 organisers at the Sepang circuit have been handed a provisional race date for 2007 of April 8, according to local press reports in Malaysia.
The news, divulged in a letter to organisers by Bernie Ecclestone’s ‘FOM’ company, means that the dates of the first three grands prix of next season are now set.
The 2007 season will kick off in Australia on the unusually late opening date of March 18, with – also oddly – the hop to Malaysia not due to occur until a full three weeks after that.
Seven days after Sepang, the green lights will go out in Bahrain.
But the opening dates for next year have raised some eyebrows among the F1 fraternity, with the travelling circus faced with the prospect of either spending three weeks in Australia or Malaysia before round two, or making the long-haul flight back to Europe before returning to the Asian region a few days later.