‘Militant’ action over cash row still possible

Fri, 27 March 2009, 01:59

Mar.27 (GMM) Threats of a race boycott were unfulfilled, but whispers suggest other ‘militant’ action by formula one teams has not been ruled out

The F1 teams’ alliance FOTA, and F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone, are locked in a row over allegedly unpaid commercial revenues

With leaks to the press and an exchange of heated press releases, a recent threat by some teams to boycott the Australian grand prix was revealed, although the parties now suggest that progress has been made since then

“I think that is a business between the teams and Bernie that needs to be resolved urgently,” McLaren team boss Martin Whitmarsh is quoted as saying by the Guardian

Rumours indicate that although the mood of the quarrel has eased somewhat, FOTA has not entirely ruled out taking action — including a possible boycott of a forthcoming practice session

“I don’t think anybody wants to take any action that is excessively militant, but in the end we are performing I suppose and therefore we should be compensated for what we do,” FOTA leading light John Howett, Toyota team president, said

Howett was present at the meeting with Ecclestone in which Ron Dennis and Flavio Briatore reportedly threatened to leave their teams’ cars off the chartered 747 flights to Australia

The Briton said on Friday: “We are making constructive and positive progress

“So hopefully in the next three to four weeks everything will be completely clear but we have made satisfactory progress for both sides to avoid any conflict this weekend,” added Howett

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