Official meets Tilke over Rotterdam plans

Sat, 21 October 2017, 09:35

Oct.21 (GMM) Rotterdam has sped into pole position to secure a Dutch grand prix in the future.

Earlier, Max Verstappen expressed scepticism amid reports Rotterdam or Amsterdam could host formula one on the city streets.

But Rotterdam-based sports promoter Herman Vaanholt told the local Formule 1 publication that he met with F1 circuit designer Hermann Tilke on Friday.

“He (Tilke) asked some questions, looked at the plans and became increasingly enthusiastic,” Vaanholt said.

However, he acknowledged that even a feasibility study has not yet been done.

“The municipality would have to take the initiative,” he admitted.

“It would cost a little money, but who knows what would come of it?”

Algemeen Dagblad, a Dutch newspaper, said a F1 street race in the capital Amsterdam is not likely.

“The cost of a street race is many times higher,” said Prince Bernhard van Oranje, who is a co-owner of the Zandvoort circuit.

“Of course we would need to adjust some things with the circuit, but I think the costs would be much higher in the case of a street race.”

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